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Jenny Kwan, You Saw Me Push This Issue Hard, Here's A Rough Bill For You.


Rape Corrections, Age Consent Reform and Due Process Act.

1) Rape, a violent assault and denial of informed sexual consent, Pimping to porn or prostitution, without informed consent of all dangers and benefits.
2) Child Rape, predatorial sought and committed sex with a child under 18 by force, fraud, grooming, luring, purchasing, including if videographed or filmed, and Exception parental approval by between 12-18, unless done by the parent, if there is no groom or lure of the minor (not arguing these are model parents). Or in general is 15-18 when a child basically lands on your front door without proven invitation by non-minor or grooming attempts. If excepted circumstances it must be done in the context of life long contract or marital agreement.
3) Grooming, luring children with slow burn “candy hand outs,” usually electronic. Urging child to associate with you with a path to sexual intercourse. This can also include predatorial
4) Serial Killer: A pattern murderer of 3 or more victims.

If any person with due process, including warrants sprung by secondary or more witnesses, and all physical evidence are charged and convicted with Rape of Child or Adult, and Serial Killing (Pattern Kills of 3 or more) are to spend every breath of their life in jail, all conditional releases recalled and never permitted for these crimes. Including other semantics such as parole. They are to spend every day of the rest of their life in jail, including burial, with shame, behind bars.

Surveillance and Searches…
Should require 2 or more witnesses, or declaration online or media by themselves, seriously as a paedophile, MAP, NOMAP. A warrant must be requested. Physical evidence is a must. All accusations, and eye witnesses must be treated with skepticism and not, as a lie, but easily mistaken, and as suspicious of the alleged, presumed innocent, but investigation must be required with proper means. No illegal search, surveillance, brutality, harassment, expectation of self incrimination, torture, planting evidence, or purely circumstantial evidence. Accused should never be construed as guilty.


One important factor are that people are educated, as to not destroying evidence that could put their rapists in jail. If it were to happen. Teach them, they are first in the chain of evidence, and can help gain back their power.

No deals, prove the case.

Possibility of Birth
Legalize over the counter (shelved like ASA, not by request at counter) Plan B, or Morning After Pills, to ensure Rapists don’t end up breeding with their victims. Prevention, no Zygote is created, no life is snuffed out.

The Petition
To Canadian Parliament Petition e-3470

Categories Enforcement, Buday4VanEast

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